Local Grout Cleaning and Restoration in Vernon Hills

Location:  Vernon Hills, IL 60061

Service Type:  Grout Removal and Replacement

This homeowner in Vernon Hills was contemplating replacing all of the tile in their shower as part of a remodeling project.

However, once they learned that the grout in their shower could be cleaned, or removed and replaced, they thought they should explore this option. They they Googled “Local Grout Cleaning in Vernon Hills” and found our website.

After an onsite visit by our staff this client decided to move forward with having their grout replaced rather than replacing the entire shower. After all, the tile itself was in great condition.

See the “before and after” images provided below to observe the difference Grout Removal and Replacement for your shower and bathroom.

If you need a professional tile grout cleaning, removal and replacement in Vernon Hills, IL, then contact the Grout Guys for a free estimate today!